Despite my fleeting moment through here, the few exchanges I've had with the local people were very nice and the Swazi have shown me the very same education, respect and high level of English that I had already been finding throughout southern Africa. Perhaps the greatest memory that will stay with me from this country, is that of a school teacher who frowned at me suspiciously when I asked if I could camp in the school garden to spend the night. After hesitating a moment he said he would prefer not to and instead, I could stay at his home, because black mambas abound in this region and he wouldn't feel at ease with me sleeping outside.
Even though I knew about the enormous danger of this snakebeforehand, the most lethal in the world, I asked:
-What happens if a black mamba bites me??
- Well, if it bites you below the knees, you have a certain chance of getting to a hospital in time, if it's relatively near - He pauses and continues - However, If it bites you above the knees, and they do it very easily because they have the ability to jump until biting in the head, then you have no more than a few minutes to left to live and nothing can be done. He finally concludes - Now, the exception would be if you got bitten in the arms, in which case, the only chance for survival, would be to have someone next to you that would be willing to cut off your arm immediately to prevent the venom to flow quickly into your system.
- where in your house you said I could sleep in?......
In the blink of an eye I cycled across Swaziland, it is such a short time that it is impossible to arrive to proper conclusions about a culture. However, all in all, I leave with a positive impression and not a very different one from the one I left with from the other southern african countries.