A few videos of the year

While we take a two weeks breaks in India with my mom, I invite you to watch the following compilation of videos from the past year, the first year of this trip.

The a summary of the whole year in only 7+minutes

One year cycling in 7 minutes from Nicolas Marino on

Indonesia, riding across the jungle Part I  (revamped version from the extended one) 

Riding in the Indonesian jungle. Part I from Nicolas Marino on

Indonesia, riding across the jungle(revamped version from the extended one)

Riding in the Indonesian jungle. Part II from
Nicolas Marino on

Mongolia, riding across the steppe. Part I

Cycling the Mongolian steppe. Part I fromon Vimeo.Mongolia, riding across the steppe. Part II

Cycling the Mongolian steppe. Part II from Nicolas Marino on Vimeo. Mongolia, riding across the Gobi desert.